Thanks to everyone who took the time to write a description of what they were doing in the crash report. This is a neat trick to use local image files as artwork. I never thought about using it this way and this version fixes the crash. Let me know if there are any issues.Album Artwork Assistant used to crash when you dragged an image from the local hard disk into the built-in web browser and selected it. I think there was a reason why I disabled this, but it seems to work now.
I used Windows Media Player 11, but that was a mistake. You can now select tracks in playlists, instead of just in the main Music group in iTunes. I too have ripped to WAV, and was able to get perhaps 95 of the art and meta data.

You can now select tracks in playlists, instead of just in the main Music group in iTunes. If you've got many albums lacking covers, then Album Artwork Assistant can help fill the gaps in your collection. The perennial problem exists though, some singles and albums will inevitably return no results but on average, the hit rate is far better than by just using iTunes cover art searcher alone. Once you've selected it, another button enables you to send it directly to iTunes where you can add it to your collection. All of the album covers possible are shown in the lower window. Album Artwork Assistant will then give you a whole host of choices of album art to choose from - too many in most cases - and you can then select which one you want.

All you have to do to use it is select the name of the album you want to check for from your iTunes collection.