I would post it but looking over my scripts it appears i deleted it -.After a (once again) forced updates hiatus of a couple of months, monthly Mudlet updates are back! Enjoy improvements to drag & drop and a much better mapper. At the end of the path it is possible to add (#SHOW endPath), so we know when the path ends. Meanwhile i found a solution for my question. Popping directions off a stringlist is probably a much better solution for what you are doing. Though I'm not familiar in a practical level with all this at all anymore because I nor actively MUD nor script.Īnyway, I never used slow walk, seemed rather clunky to me to be honest. All this should go even smoothly now with all the excellent scripting additions Zugg has made so far. Ie, #exec 1), you move say south, once you've confirmation (Exits line or whatnot) you do %pop(move_list) and remove the direction. I did back in a day while writing a similar bot, but the movement gist was basically a String List where you pop off one item each time you've got the confirmation you've reached the room intended. I don't have enough time atm to dwell deeper on it, but I must ask why use #slow / #step etc at all? I've forgot most of the programming is there a possability to know when the path ends? When i start a path with #SLOW and walk it with #STEP. The only thing i need now is to know when a path ends.

Posted: Wed 5:23 how did you know when one path ended?

Ok when i made the simple combat bot into a more advanced combat bot, once i finished one path i used that path and send out a string like path1isnowcomplete and i triggered off of that as a command input and went to the second area, ect ect ect Without knowing more about your actual script and the specific situation in the mud, it's really hard for us to give more specific advice. Well, you could simply write all that into your script. No, i cant adjust the path.because that would mean that the char slowalks the whole path.ģ) speed-walk back to zone-entrance, leave zone, go to next zone You could just adjust the path, or make an onRoomEnter event for the end room to switch locations The "simple combat bot" is the bot i would like to use () Just an automatic bot which goes from zone to zone and killes mobs which i defined. No.the path ends somewhere in the zone.Ģ) speedwalk back to the entrance of the zone and leave itĤ) start another slow-walk and kill every mob Well if the old path ends as you step into the zone you could make use of the onZoneEnter #EVENT to redefine your path
#Cmud to mudlet map how to
I dont know how to get the script make on after another. I make a path, the char walks the path and kills every mob on the way.īut how can i define that when the path ends the char should leave the zone and go to another zone and start a new path. I searched for some scripts and tried some things.but what i miss is : I would like to have an auto-exp-script for Holy Mission(for those who know the mud).